You can have the 3D pets as parts of your own model. This is the method which gives less control over the pet on the different Vtubing programs, but that’s is supported in any of the 3d programs currently in the market.
This is because data for the pet is sent from vtspog through VMC protocol, the standard for vtubing programs in 3D. Pet’s mouth blendshapes must be part of the vrm model itself for this to work and blendshapes 1 through 5 in vtspog must be mapped to the corresponding mouth params of the pet.
In order to do this, there’s three ways to go about this:
- have the vrm model already made with this in mind by the modeler;
- passing the model through unity, manually importing the pet and mapping the blendshapes manually;
- using a third party tool like Fingie Controller to combine your vrm with a vrm compatible tool
First one should be quite clear for model makers and not something accessible by most users, but the other two are quite accessible and we will go about them bellow.
Importing a pet through unity #
This process quite be quite complex if you aren’t used to tinkering with vrm models in unity, but if you have any experience with vr chat model tinkering this process shouldn’t be as hard.
You basically need any properly rigged pet with mouth blendshapes and import them together alongside your model to a unity scene. From there, you need to assigned the different blendshapes of the pet to new blendshapes in your vrm so that vtubing programs can detect them and link them.
We go into recommended unity versions for it and more into detail in our tutorial over here.
Importing the pet through Fingie controller #
Knowing the process can be quite complex through unity alone, we worked alongside Amba, Fingie Controllers dev, to update Fingie Controller in order to allow anyone to import vrm exported pets alongside vrm models.
The process is quite simple, after acquiring Fingie Controller, you need to first load your vrm model in the program.
Once loaded, by clicking “load controller” you can load any vrm model (like our vrm exported pogu-kun pet made by Kana Fuyuko ) , when doing so you are prompted to attach your pet to a specific bone in your model. We recommended either head, shoulders or hips. You will also be prompted to rename your pet.
The pets name will determine the prefix those pets blendshapes will get. In order to use vtspog default blendshapes we recommend using the name M for the pet as shown bellow
Pet will be loaded once you click attach. If you cant see the pet make sure to zoom out! Sometimes it can get attached in some far away positions. If that happens, try also setting all the params to 1 on the right controllers and zoom out to find it.
Once the pet is in your sight, you can also rotate, scale and move the pet using the gizmo controllers on top of the pet.
Once the pet is in the right place, just click export and the model will be ready to go to import in your 3D tubing program of choice like vnyan, vseeface or warudo!
Get fingie controller and send some love to Amba over at their itchio page here